Wheel chair; Is a chair mounted on a wheels for the transportation of an occupant who is incapable of ambulation it may be manually or electronically propelled by occupant or by another individual.
Special sit: is when the wheel chair is modified to fullfil another special need(as you can see from the photo above.
This type of secial sit mostly used for children with SPINA BIFIDA even those with severe spine deformity.
SPINA BIFIDA ;Infants born with spina bifida often have an open lesion on their spine(myelomeningocele) where siginificant damage to the nerves and spinal cord has occured.Although the spinal opening can be surgically repaired shortly after birth,the nerve damage is permanent,resulting in varying degrees of paralysis of the lower limbs.
A Spina bifida often leads to results to those of a spinal cord injury.
NOTE:wheel chair after modified can improve quality of life of a concerned child since by using a special sit she/he can even to go to school.
After Special sit,before she could not sit"new life has started"
Hivyo wadau hii baiskeli ya miguu mitatu/minne baada ya kifanyiwa marekebisho kadhaa basi inaweza kubadilisha maisha ya watoto wenye ulemavu pia inampa mzazi unafuu katika malezi kwani muda wote wanawabeba mgongoni,kwa mazingira haya hata shughuli za uzalishaji kwao ni ngumu,bali wanapotengenezewa kifaa kama hicho kina kuwa ni msaada mkubwa kwao,kwani hatimaye mtoto anaweza kwenda shule(ingawa inabidi apate meza/dawati maalum)
Watoto wenye mahitaji maalum kama haya wako wengi hivyo kumbuka kama unaweza kupata hizi baiskeli za magurudumu matatu/manne(ndogo za watoto ambapo upatikanaji wake si mkubwa kama za watu wazima) na tukiwasiliana basi ujue utaleta mabadiliko kwa jamii.
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