5th and 6th spinal nerves.
The words PALSY means temporary or permanent loss of sensation or loss of ability to
move or to control movement.
At this point usually during score of the I baby its very important for the birth assistants
to note down any kind of expected deformity for possible early correction protocols
The EPS is made of Polypropylene with straps it may be of Velcro or other available
materials which aim to discourage all known abnormal patterns of the affected upper
limb(internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint,internal rotation of the forearm, wrist
flexion, finger flexion, adduction of the upper limb, lugging of the shoulder.Subluxion of
the glenohumeral joint and abduction of the scapulae) sometime with/without loss of
Erb’s Splint aims also to minimize natural anatomical traction/tension between cervical
region in relation with shoulder girdle.
Erb’s Splints has shown a significant prognosis to in most of the babies if starts seven
days of age. Mode of application is NIGHT SPLINT ,this is to enable the baby to taly
with their normal motor development DURING A DAY.
By Hillary Tesha.
you can contact him,lunnartz@yahoo.co.uk
Mr Emmanuel Mbinga(Senior Shoe orthopaedic Shoe maker and Orthotics technician)left side and Mr Hilary Tesha,Physiotherepy,at right
The management of the Erb's palsy by using the Splint,in Lateral view.The Design and fitting was done by Mr Emmanuel Mbinga(Orthoic technician,Senior orthopaedic shoe maker) and Mr Hilary Tesha(Physiotherapy).They have got alot of experience in pediatric cases.Their photos above.
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